This is the SandBox, a page anyone can edit to learn how to use the wiki. ---- coucou Here’s a paragraph. Here’s another one with //emphasised// text. ====== Header ====== ===== Subheader =====
This is a blockquote. This is the first level of quoting. > This is nested blockquote. Back to the first level.
Numbered list
  1. First item.
  2. Another.
  3. And another..
Bulleted list * //item// * item [[ikiwiki/WikiLink]] [[interlulz/InterLulz]] ‘’ça marche, ça ?’’ blaah pwet On met un joli nom à la page [[!meta title=“Bac à sable du LOL”]] [[Prout]] ---- Et hop, je rédige et pousse depuis git. Pareil :) - Encore ! {{pics/flour.png| test image}} ==== Table test ==== [[!table data=""" Customer |Amount Fulanito |134,34 Menganito|234,56 Menganito|234,56 """]]